Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Garden Spring 2014 (2)

I've been plugging away at the "farm" so to speak.  My poor friends back east (well, anywhere east of here) have expressed some disbelief at our harvesting tomatoes this time of year.

Pay no attention to the little knobby on the top.....

Anywho, Yesterday I finished getting the planters ready and amending the soil.  Today I was able to plant:

Iceburg lettuce
"Garden Blend" Lettuces
Kaleidoscope Carrots (multi colored)

In the little plastic containers on the porch I have:
Brussel Sprouts
Green onion
Mixed Flowers
Thyme and a few others I am sure I missed

Hopefully a few will survive :-D

We have a few fruits trees on the property, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit (bleh) and figs. Plus somehow there is a grape vine that has been around for years.  It doesn't produce much and the birds get to the fruit long before I remember to go look.  The fruit vines/bushes should be in the stores relatively soon (if I remember correctly) so I am planning on not only getting another grape vine but at least one other type of fruit vine/bush and hopefully couple of fruit trees, even if it means the miniature type.  I would love a couple of lemon trees and lime trees.  We also have 7 pecan trees.  As kids (we lived a couple of miles away), my brothers and I would come over and rake leaves.  Plus, while we were raking, we had to get every last pecan unless it was obviously bad.  Some of my fondest memories were sitting at the kitchen table during the holidays cracking pecans for pies. I suppose there could have been a few that didn't make it in to the pies. *whistles innocently* The whacking sound was music to my ears.  While this is not the exact same nutcracker we used, its pretty much the same design (the whackin' starts approx 1:07):

*reminds self to find an inertia nutcracker online. We have a bucket full of nuts waiting on me and momma ain't opening all of those with a hand held type. No way, no how.

I hope you have a fantastic day!

Mrs, Bissinger

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